- Jesus called people to follow him and invited them into community and the life of God.
- We call people to follow Jesus and invite them into our community.
- We look forward to and work for the day when all people will be in unity.
We rejoice in the new infants who come into our parish life through the Sacrament of Baptism.
Contact Suzanne Will for school age and adult baptisms through the RCIA process.
Baptisms are held on most Saturdays at 10am in the Chapel or at a weekend Mass if the parents wish and the parish Mass schedule permits.
For specific information and dates, email Sarah Sansone at sansone@stmm.net
Here are specific issues that will need attention:
1. The family of the child to be baptized must be registered members of St. Mary Magdalene.
2. For a first child, there is a need for a baptism class. This class consists of a meeting with the Pastor. w
3. A convenient time to plan baptism events is before the child is born.
4. About godparents - it is required that at least one godparent is a Catholic who has received the sacrament of Confirmation. If the person is not a member of St. Mary Magdalene, then a letter of recommendation from his/her Catholic Pastor is required.
Information for the baby that is needed for official records are:
1. Full name of baby
2. Date of birth
3. City of birth
4. Name of Father
5. Name of mother + maiden name
6. Names of godparents
7. If godparents are not members of StMM we need a letter of recommendation from the Catholic pastor of at least one of them. This Baptism Sponsor Form may also serve as a letter of recommendation
- Jesus communicated his spirit to people and strengthened them.
- We communicate the spirit of Jesus to people and strengthen them.
- We announce that all can be filled and strengthened by the spirit of God.
- Jesus ate with sinners and was present to them.
- We share Christ’s real presence today under the signs of bread and wine.
- We anticipate the day when all people will be fed and will find God close to them.
- Jesus called for conversion and forgave those who were repentant.
- We are called to conversion, we ask for forgiveness, and we forgive others.
- We hope and work for the relief of all suffering in the world
Contact the Parish Office at info@stmm.net to schedule Anointing of the Sick.
- We ordain certain members to minister and lead us in sacraments.
- We raise up future ministers by proclaiming that ordained ministry is a special vocation of Christian
Contact the Priest if you are discerning ordination.
Sacramentals are associated with or imitate the church’s official rituals as they unfold daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. They include religious signs, symbols, public and private devotions, prayers, gestures, rituals, music, images, and natural or made objects. Some of them are found only in the church’s official rituals, such as sacred oils. Others are common in parishioners’ private lives such as house blessings.